In 1953 when Joe Liebman opened his deli on Johnson Avenue there were more than 1 Jewish Delis in the Bronx. Undaunted by the competition Joe believed that if he consistently served his customers truly outstanding quality food with really great friendly service he could succeed. That is precisely why out of the more than 1 Jewish Delis that existed in the Bronx in 1953, Liebmans is the last one standing. When Joseph Dekel acquired Liebmans in 198 he renovated the restaurant but not the recipes. In fact he had the foresight to have the "old timers" in the kitchen train a young man to prepare and cook Liebmans offerings just as they had since the store had opened. That young man, now 5, Marcello our Head Chef ‚ has in turn continued to train newer members of our kitchen staff just as he was.